Peak Sovetov, 4317 m, near Almaty, Victor is six years old , the youngest hiker

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Victor Bukasov, age 6 years 11 month , is likely the youngest ever hiker to Peak Sovetov, 4317 m , the highest mountain near Almaty that can be hiked without any technical gear ( ropes, harness, crampons, etc) . It took 6 hour 30 min to go from camping site at 3100 m to the summit 4317 m , and Victor had been hiking from 6.35 to 20.20 about 13 hours 45 min in the day with descent from the summit to the camp and to the road ( car) at 2500 m elevation near Big Almaty lake; total of 1270+ m elevation gain and more than 1850+ m elevation loss. He hiked the peak with his father and brother Peter Bukasov , the youngest hiker of Ojos del Salado ( age 9) and Elbrus (age 8). Last summer Victor tried to hike peak Sovetov also with guide Boris and with his mother but he did NOT make about 180-200 m of elevation gain and he was escorted down by our guide.
This year Victor got absolutely NO hand support and he carried a backpack ( 2.5 to 1.5 kg) to the ridge for about 2.5 hour at the start of the hike.
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